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4 minutes with Ray Zweeres. Writer of the book Scarlett


Updated: Dec 7, 2023

Ray Zweeres, writer of Scarlett
Ray Zweeres, writer of Scarlett

4 tales Podcast: Thanks for sitting down with us, Ray. What inspired you to delve into self-publishing for your comic?

Ray Zweeres: I was doing an online business and selling store exclusive covers. Such as Unknown Comics and The Comics Mint, to make a couple of popular ships... Unfortunately it was a difficult business and I ended up losing too much money but I was really enjoying working with artists... So I decided to dig into my own mind and see what I could come up with story wise and try writing my own story. The first one was alright but it was a huge learning process, working with a co-writer and once I found my current editor and pitched him my 2nd book, he absolutely loved it and thought I had something really special and different. I did lots of research on mythology and history for this story and it ends up getting very deep and I fell in love with writing. Still able to hire artists to draw my book and covers. I feel this is way more fulfilling and I think I have a knack for it. I always knew I had a creative mind and good ideas but this just proved it.

4TP: Self-publishing can be both rewarding and challenging. Could you discuss some of the obstacles you've encountered along the way and how you've overcome them?

RZ: All of the 2 years I did exclusives I met a ton of friends and helped along the way to give advice up front. I feel very blessed and ok lucky for this. The biggest obstacle is getting eyes on your stuff. Marketing and raising funds to make your stories become a reality. So money and marketing! I still struggle with these but I feel so so most.

Scarlett issue one cover
Cover of Scarlett #1

4TP: What have been the most satisfying moments or triumphs in your self-publishing journey?

RZ: Scarlett #1 nearly doubling the pledge goal. I did not expect to get very much past it. But it was a nice success!

Pages from Scarlett issue one comic book
Pages from Scarlett #1

4TP: How do you navigate the ever-changing landscape of self-publishing, particularly when it comes to marketing and connecting with your audience?

RZ: Spam without spamming. Audiences are hard to reach! Fanbase are a very slow gain so you just have to be careful not to lose them with over posting or emailing. In my opinion, I am still new to this!

Pages from Scarlett issue one comic book
Pages from Scarlett #1

4TP: For individuals aspiring to self-publish their own comics, what advice would you offer based on your experiences?

RZ: Don't over spend, do as much as you can with as little as you can while trying to deliver the best product. My biggest problem I have is wanting too many covers and spending too much money before I even start the kickstarter! Take it slow and steady, even if it takes longer to get a finished product. But I always would make sure to complete the work and invest in your own stuff before raising funds. Delivering a published book 6 to 12 months after a campaign might be too harsh for some customers / readers.

4TP: Thanks again, Ray for letting us interview you. Everyone go out and check out Scarlett! Get your copy of Scarlett and more at



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